7.13Appointment of Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs)

The court may appoint a volunteer special advocate to assess and make recommendations to the court regarding a child’s best interests. MCR 3.917(A). The court-appointed special advocate must obtain appropriate screening. MCR 3.917(B).

Once a special advocate is appointed and upon a court’s order, the special advocate may have access to “all information, confidential or otherwise, contained in the court file[.]” MCR 3.917(E).

A court-appointed special advocate’s required duties are to:

(1) maintain regular contact with the child;

(2) investigate the background of the case;

(3) gather information regarding the child’s status;

(4) provide written reports to the court and all parties before each hearing; and

(5) appear at all hearings when required by the court. MCR 3.917(C).

The court-appointed special advocate must consult with the child’s lawyer-guardian ad litem. MCR 3.917(E). The court-appointed special advocate must serve until he or she is discharged by the court. MCR 3.917(D).