7.14Court-Appointed Foreign Language Interpreter1

A party or witness with limited English proficiency is entitled to a court-appointed foreign language interpreter if the interpreter’s “services are necessary for the person to meaningfully participate in the case or court proceeding[.]” MCR 1.111(B)(1).2 A person financially able to pay for the interpretation costs may be ordered to reimburse the court for those costs. MCR 1.111(F)(5). See also MCR 1.111(A)(4).

“‘Case or Court Proceeding’ means any hearing, trial, or other appearance before any court in this state in an action, appeal, or other proceeding, including any matter conducted by a judge, magistrate, referee, or other hearing officer.” MCR 1.111(A)(1).

“‘Party’ means a person named as a party or a person with legal decision-making authority in the case or court proceeding.” MCR 1.111(A)(2).

1    See the Michigan Judicial Institute’s Criminal Proceedings Benchbook, Vol. 1, Chapter 1, for more information on foreign language interpreters.

2    In addition, “[t]he court may appoint a foreign language interpreter for a person other than a party or witness who has a substantial interest in the case or court proceeding.” MCR 1.111(B)(2).