Chapter 6: Civil Infractions

6.1Scope Note

This chapter addresses civil infraction actions. There are three broad types of civil infractions: (1) traffic civil infractions, (2) municipal civil infractions, and (3) state civil infractions. Traffic civil infractions are governed by the Michigan Vehicle Code, municipal civil infractions are governed by Chapter 87 of the Revised Judicature Act (RJA), and state civil infractions are governed by Chapter 88 of the RJA. MCL 600.113(2). Additionally, MCR 4.101 addresses civil infraction actions. See the Michigan Judicial Institute’s table comparing the procedures and sanctions applicable to traffic, municipal, and state civil infractions.

This chapter discusses the procedures for presiding over a civil infraction action. Detailed discussion of specific civil infractions is outside the scope of this manual. The Michigan Judicial Institute’s Traffic Benchbook discusses several common traffic civil infractions in detail.